RTO Face to Face training , Prospective:
Training is an applied form of teaching, where you actually show how a relevant piece of learning will be applied in a practical scenario.
A positive feedback from any student is not a piece of cake. Every student has got his own potentiality. Giving a satisfactory level of understanding become more harsh where a very complicated skill need to be implant to a trainee who, by personal judgement of trainer, lacks the capability and capacity to understand it.
RTO Face to Face Training , Method:
To my experience, divide the class in to groups. Intelligently see the friendship level and skill status. A unique group consisting of good friends with different skills is an ideal start. Naturally, the identification of strength and weakness of students will come bit later in the course. The trainer need to keep a good eye in the class room.
The general lecturing must be for overall class with a lots of question answer sessions in between lecture. Ask students to take notes of key points. Where there is an important session which may be tested later on…Emphasis on it a lot.
While explaining assessments, Identify relevant paragraphs, tables, templates. Force them to make a research under the path you have suggested.
The positive feedback is gain when trainer interact at group level. Exactly seeing each student with analysis of required level of support . There is no harm to spend more time in group which is lacking behind. Support them and describe the way again and again in different style, examples and methods.
Do go to shy one personally….appreciate their efforts……Don’t follow marketing key from head to bottom…….
RTO Face to Face Training, Corrections:
I use to spend 7 hours in a go to check 12 assessment only. The quality of your comments….Highlighting the area which need further research give you a magically response…..With one or two corrections….the assessment comes right on acceptable region.
The method of writing only” not satisfactory” is killing. It will outright raise the negativity in the mind of trainee.
The more disconnection is generated, the more hard it becomes for trainer to generate interest in the course.
RTO Face to Face Training, Whiteboard VS PowerPoint:
White board is a natural medium. It will help students to relate things more quickly. It is highly powerful but requires a lot of effort by trainer plus time consuming.
Power point is fast. In my experience, I used to place only key points on powerpoint with a lot of explanation coming by my lecture. A display of power point on whiteboard is an excellent methodology. By using different colour markers, a trainer can explain all the points easily. Keeping a speed bit slow is very important.
RTO Face to Face Training, Repetition:
Do repeat a concept explain at least one time once taught. Check who is paying attention…..A less attentive class shows that most of them has already understood the concept and vice versa.
RTO Face to Face Training, Content and Assessment Management:
If trainer is involved in the development of course material, mapping and subsequently in validation. His /Her interest will be pretty much in the level of competency required to achieved. His angle of training will be more interesting.
Where courses are purchased from standards suppliers and harshly followed, trainer seems to be in “Get Rid Mood” as his/her liking with subject material is at zero level.
RTO Face to Face Training, Add On’s:
Share your experience, where exactly the concept is used in your practical experience….It’s like a Gold Piece…….
RTO Face to Face Training, Summary:
Not everyone who has certificate IV in training and assessment and required relevant education can become a good trainer. It’s a passionate work requiring dedication and devotion.
A personal liking is a must factor!
Disclaimer: The above topic is based on my experience and may not be a perfect solution. It has worked for me fortunately most of the time with few exceptions.